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"Nature itself
is the best physician"


The problem

Anual, mono-crop farms are replacing diverse eco-systems in a systematic manner, with the aim of maximizing short term monetary profit. This process has been ongoing for centuries, particularly after the industrial revolution. As a result, herbi- and pesticides are used to control pests, which ultimately leads to the destruction of all life. Pests are a manifestation of an unhealthy and unbalanced ecosystem.

Image by Jan Meeus

The solution

Thankfully, there exists an alternative to industrial agriculture known as regenerative agriculture. This farming method prioritizes the development of a healthy soil that can support a diverse range of plants and animals. By implementing techniques such as rotational cropping, syntropic forestry, no-till farming, and rotational grazing, the ecosystem can be restored. Additionally, regenerative agriculture and aquaculture can be designed to provide a financially sustainable output, resulting in a win-win situation.


"A strong system is one that embraces diversity. The health of an ecosystem is determined by the level of biodiversity it possesses, where every organism plays a crucial role. Imbalanced ecosystems can lead to health problems. Robust and biodiverse ecosystems are capable of storing carbon and are more resilient to climate change. To achieve a strong biodiverse system, we must live in harmony with nature and take care of our immediate environment."

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